Here are some interesting projects I have been a part of.
I was intimately involved in the WPC websites, their design, coding and hosting from 2005-2015.
The appointment scheduling application I initially wrote for the W. P. Carey School of Business was to allow students to book appointments with their advisors online. Advisors could input availability and students would be matched up to their appropriate advisor by their major, last name sorts, and other criteria to match the advising load. Later as Advising S.O.S. was rolled out the student booking portion was rolled into Advising S.O.S. The appointment scheduling system supports 60+ advisors across 6 campuses and includes full analytics and reporting.
I also helped implement customized versions of this system for:
• Undergraduate Programs Office, W. P. Carey School of Business, 2006
• Barrett, The Honors College, 2015
• Graduate Programs Office, W. P. Carey School of Business, 2017
• College of Nursing and Health Innovation, 2017
• New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, 2019
I wrote a new login system for the School of Business that leveraged the central ASU's CAS OAuth server. I also optimized all of the session and credential logic. This project allowed strong security and a centralized login management platform.
Advising S.O.S. is an online automated student advising application. It steps students through common work-flows and automates the experience saving students and advisors time. Plus, it is available 24-7 via mobile application. For things that do require advising, students can book an appointment online through the application with their advisor or work tickets are created automatically and assigned to the student's advisor. All cases are recorded for reporting and progress and the system is search-able.
Oncor is a large utility that serves the Texas area. Utilities reported over 336,000 affected customers during Hurricane Harvey.
First Energy is a large east coast utility that includes Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and West Virginia & Maryland.
Austin is the 8th largest publically owned utility. Austin added a unique "Hazard Layer" which can display safety hazards and non-outage information for public safety.
I served as the Scrum Master for the development team for the building of our new Storm Center 5 product. This is a multi-tenant version of the product and a significant undertaking in terms of engineering.
My presentation from iConnect 2019 (New Orleans) on the Notifi 4 product line and Roadmap.
I serve as the product manager for the Notifi product line. Notifi 4 is our latest edition that includes natural language processing and artificial intelligence to power conversations with customers. We also added user editable message templates, an enhanced conversation history tool and many other improvements.
My presentation from iConnect 2020 On the Notifi 4 product line and Roadmap.